For a few years now the focus has been upon the calendar date of October 28th 2011. This is what some researchers looking at the decoding of the Mayan calendar suggest is an eventful date.
Although media and other channels have decided to focus more upon the date of December 21st 2012, others are suggesting that although 2012 may be significant we must first look upon October 28th as highly significant.
This date does NOT mark the so called doomsday scenario of an end of the world. However there will be some kind of shift that will occur which will then make the year 2012 something very different to what we have experienced before on this planet.
Let us look at the planetary alignments that are set to occur on October 28th. An alignment is specific lining up of planets and some have documented that when such events take place that the Earth reacts to these in some way. For example the Chile, and Japan earthquakes have occurred when alignments have taken place. So what of October 28th? Well the planet Jupiter, Sun, and Earth are due to align on that date. Add to this mix the comet Elenin which is due to come into orbit within our solar system, and which may have its orbit deflected due to the alignment causing it to come very close, or some suggest to crash into Earth.
Now as I say these events DO NOT mark a doomsday scenario- just as the Japan earthquake was not major doomsday scenario for the world- but which it did cause was a lot of worry and panic especially with the drifting nuclear clouds. So these events if they do occur may just lead to a new way of thinking and living- a change in how we think of our place in the world and how we interact with others. These shifts in thinking will gather pace over 2012 and see us approaching December 2012 as changed people.
Can the Secret Power of Lists help you prepare? Certainly-for those who are already using the lists- they are already preparing their minds to tune into the invisible world. Whatever occurs in the next few months, these people will have developed the necessary mindset to handle whatever may come. For those who have never tried using Lists- may I suggest you buy or borrow a copy of the book and begin a list now so you can begin the task of preparing yourself for the positive aspects of what October 28th and beyond will bring.
In fact I do believe the more people who have prepared their minds and are in tune with the Earth and the energies around them, can effect the negative changes that may otherwise occur and the next few months may pass by without any events effecting us.
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