My recent blog post regarding possible planetary changes provoked a great deal of response. In the main, despite my insistence that October 28th does not in my view mean doomsday, it nevertheless did create some worry in particular for those who have never come across the recent years debates concerning world changes due to astronomical objects. Such worried people have contacted me asking me how they can or should prepare, some even asking if it is worth relocating as soon as possible.
My advice is to prepare sensibly just the same as one might prepare for a rough storm, power outages, water supply cuts and similar which we all may have experienced at some time in our lives. Let me give an example of India where some parts have regular electricity outages as well as only a few hours of running water a day. Water is thus stored when it is running, and kerosene lamps are used for lighting (although nowadays dynamo torches or rechargeable torches are used instead). So why not begin your preparations sensibly- not for October 28th or any other date that people predict, but for 'a rainy day'. I say again- the point is to be sensible and just like one may keep a spare fuse in case one blows, one should keep spares of other items as well. I am going to provide here over the next few days, a complete list and toolkit that all sensible people can gather together which is both inexpensive and will not take too much time to put together.
1: Storage container. You should get hold of a large plastic container that has a lid which can close fairly tightly. It does not have to be airtight. There are a number of such plastic containers on the market, an example is below.

My advice is to prepare sensibly just the same as one might prepare for a rough storm, power outages, water supply cuts and similar which we all may have experienced at some time in our lives. Let me give an example of India where some parts have regular electricity outages as well as only a few hours of running water a day. Water is thus stored when it is running, and kerosene lamps are used for lighting (although nowadays dynamo torches or rechargeable torches are used instead). So why not begin your preparations sensibly- not for October 28th or any other date that people predict, but for 'a rainy day'. I say again- the point is to be sensible and just like one may keep a spare fuse in case one blows, one should keep spares of other items as well. I am going to provide here over the next few days, a complete list and toolkit that all sensible people can gather together which is both inexpensive and will not take too much time to put together.
1: Storage container. You should get hold of a large plastic container that has a lid which can close fairly tightly. It does not have to be airtight. There are a number of such plastic containers on the market, an example is below.
2: Plastic sheeting: This will serve a multitude of uses, such as shelter, covering, mat, emergency medical wrap. It can also be cut up for various uses.
3: Water: An essential component for survival. Best will be to store a number of small sized plastic bottles. Empty bottles can be used for storage purposes if need be.
4: Food: For short to medium term use canned foods are superior. It is best to focus on vegetarian foods in cases where someone refuses to eat any meat even in desperation. Look for high energy and nutrient content foods. Pasta based foods are excellent choices, as are any beans. Stay away from any cans which store the contents in salted water. The salt content will leave you craving water. I know some people mention the use of MRE (ready to eat meals). These are supplied to armies and are complete meals which heat up when a little water is added. Although these are excellent nutritionally and provide a convenient warm meal, they are very expensive. For the sensible person it is best to stick with value for money cans. For longer term, dried foods are also useful. Peanuts (unsalted), cereals, cereal bars, dried pasta, rice, dried peas should also be kept. They can keep for a long time and will be good for longer term meals if there is an ongoing problem with food.
I will continue this list in my next post...
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