Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Preparing for October 28, 2011, 2012 or just a rainy day! Part 2

This is part two of my other post and carries on with the list...

5: Light.  Very valuable and comforting when it gets dark is a form of light.  LED torchs which can be powered by a crank should be a first choice.  Keep a couple of these as they cost about a dollar/pound and will never need batteries and therefore will be useful for a few years or more.  Next you should keep some battery powered torch's and again LED types are preferable due to their low power consumption, long lasting bulbs and quality of light.  They come at various price points and again if you are wanting to save some money then you can pickup these for a dollar/pound at any store.  As you move up the price point you can purchase torches which provide stronger light but consume slightly more power.  I would also recommend you keep some torches which have a headstrap.  These can be mounted on your head using the elastic and provides an excellent hands free form of lighting.
6: Power sources.  Keep as much many batteries as you can of many different sizes.  Remember batteries do have a shelf life and if you do use batteries in other devices then when you buy new batteries -use the ones in your storage and place newly purchased one for your box.  This way you will keep ahead of shelf storage dates and ensure you have batteries that will prove usable when needed.
7: Wind-up radio:  You can keep a battery powered one but having a wind-up one means you have one less device to worry about needed batteries.
8: Cutting implements: Keep a range of knives for general cutting tasks.    I would also recommend spending a bit more on what is termed a survival knife.  A 7 to 12 inch will be suitable and these often come with useful survival kits which fit inside the handle of the knife.  This sort of knife will help with heavier tasks if needed and can also serve as a defensive weapon should the need arise.  Remember to abide by the law in your country regarding knives.  Your survival knife should always be kept in your rainy day storage box and should not be taken out for fun tasks in the garden.  Remember it is a tool that you need to rely on and should be kept in good condition.  Also useful is a sharpening stone for your knife-these can be purchased cheaply and will also serve to sharpen your other cutlery knives.
9: Rope and string:  Keep a strong rope of a good length and a big ball of smaller string.
10: Zip ties: A large box of 1000 mix sizes can be purchased for a low cost.  These have a multitude of uses of which I may do another post about.
11: A store of plastic bags: A great way to help the environment is to keep a store of used shopping plastic bags.  Again a multitude of uses (even as clothing!).  Keep a store of smaller sandwich type plastic bags as well.
12: A couple of needles and thread.  These will not take much space in your box.
13: Basic medical kit: These can be purchased as a kit.  Remember to include other items such as medications for general problems such as for headache, skin conditions, extra antiseptic creams.  Don't be afraid to topup this kit with extra items.
14: Tampons: Great for a number of uses.
15: Survival book/s: There are a number of these on the market- try and choose one that is small enough to be portable. Perhaps keep more than one copy.  Make sure it is written in a language that is understandable to the lay reader and has lots of pictures and diagrams to explain things.  Try and find one that applies to the country you are in.  For example I have one which mentions plants, and tress native to my location.

This list will be continued.  This should be enough for everyone to get started with.  As always comments are welcome.

Global dreams as premonition of world events

Another theme running through the emails I received in response to my previous blog about October, is that of premonition dreams.  A lot of you have spoken of dreams of planetary events which you have then suggested could possibly be a premonition of events to come.  Some have said they have had these type of for a number of years and I having put them into a database have noticed there is a great similarity between the events described.  Doing a search on the internet there does not seem to be any kind of global dream input project which can collate these dreams together to perhaps deduce if they indeed may all be pointing to some future Earth events.
I have decided to collate this myself and so I want to invite everyone to either comment here or to email me directly with recurring dreams which show earth or planetary events.  I will then enter them into a database and see if there are similarities which extend to hundreds or thousands of people around the world.

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Preparing for October 28, 2011, 2012 or just a rainy day!

My recent blog post regarding possible planetary changes provoked a great deal of response.  In the main, despite my insistence that October 28th does not in my view mean doomsday, it nevertheless did create some worry in particular for those who have never come across the recent years debates concerning world changes due to astronomical objects.  Such worried people have contacted me asking me how they can or should prepare, some even asking if it is worth relocating as soon as possible.
My advice is to prepare sensibly just the same as one might prepare for a rough storm, power outages, water supply cuts and similar which we all may have experienced at some time in our lives.  Let me give an example of India where some parts have regular electricity outages as well as only a few hours of running water a day.  Water is thus stored when it is running, and kerosene lamps are used for lighting (although nowadays dynamo torches or rechargeable torches are used instead).  So why not begin your preparations sensibly- not for October 28th or any other date that people predict, but for 'a rainy day'.  I say again- the point is to be sensible and just like one may keep a spare fuse in case one blows, one should keep spares of other items as well.  I am going to provide here over the next few days, a complete list and toolkit that all sensible people can gather together which is both inexpensive and will not take too much time to put together.

1: Storage container.  You should get hold of a large plastic container that has a lid which can close fairly tightly. It does not have to be airtight.  There are a number of such plastic containers on the market, an example is below.

2: Plastic sheeting: This will serve a multitude of uses, such as shelter, covering, mat, emergency medical wrap. It can also be cut up for various uses.
3: Water: An essential component for  survival.  Best will be to store a number of small sized plastic bottles. Empty bottles can be used for storage purposes if need be.
4: Food: For short to medium term use canned foods are superior.  It is best to focus on vegetarian foods in cases where someone refuses to eat any meat even in desperation.  Look for high energy and nutrient content foods.  Pasta based foods are excellent choices, as are any beans.  Stay away from any cans which store the contents in salted water.  The salt content will leave you craving water.  I know some people mention the use of MRE (ready to eat meals).  These are supplied to armies and are complete meals which heat up when a little water is added.  Although these are excellent nutritionally and provide a convenient warm meal, they are very expensive.  For the sensible person it is best to stick with value for money cans.  For longer term, dried foods are also useful. Peanuts (unsalted), cereals, cereal bars, dried pasta, rice, dried peas should also be kept.  They can keep for a long time and will be good for longer term meals if there is an ongoing problem with food.

I will continue this list in my next post...

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Fighting skin problems such as wrinkles blemishes and marks

Never a week goes by before a buzz occurs for a new skin product that is touted to be the next best thing to solve all manner of skin problems.  When an article is published in the media about a certain skin product, or when a product is mentioned on a popular show it is very easy to see the company make sales of millions.
Essentially the products are man-made chemicals, the combinations of which are tested on animals to then provide a product that is supposed to be miraculous.  Is there an alternative that not only is cheaper but can provide better results?  Indeed there are.  Based on ancient ayurvedic science there are specific preparations for skin conditions which for thousands of years have proved their effectiveness.  I mention this because during my trip to India I was able to speak with some ayurvedic practitioners who were informing me that it was becoming increasingly difficult to sell their products due to increasingly difficult regulations that favoured multi-national companies.  In addition I was told about the pressure put on multi-national companies to patent certain chemical compositions which were inherent in some of their products and so preventing them from using them in their ayurvedic preparations.  There are some interesting videos regarding this which I have provided below along with some further reading.  This is becoming known as bio-piracy.

Furthermore here are some articles regarding bio-piracy;

Tulsi Plants

There have been a couple of emails regarding the Tulsi plant which I mentioned in my book on weight loss. A lot of you are having difficulty in obtaining this plant from garden centers and nursery’s. Some people have mentioned that when they have gone home with a supposed Tulsi plant they have discovered that the plant has actually been a basil plant that had been been sold as a Tulsi.
I can tell you that my own plant was obtained from my mothers tulsi plant via a cutting. She had obtained her plant from India which managed to survive being wrapped in a plasic bag in a suitcase. It was obtained from a large plant in India where they are commonly grown for religious purposes. Some of these plants are decades old. It was one of these plants from which my mother took a cutting from and was able to bring to the UK.
So when it was mature enough after about 5 years I was able to take a cutting for my own house.
If you are having difficulties in finding tulsi plants to buy I can provide them for you. You may email me a request and I can add your name to the waiting list. I will only be able to provide a few cuttings at a time in order to not shock the plant too much. If in the meantime I can find a trusted supplier of Tulsi I will let you all know.

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Vedic astrological charts and compatability charting and interpretation

If anyone wishes to have a full vedic astrological chart composed along with interpretation there is the following special offer available.  The charts are detailed and provide a lot of content many pages in length and include things like specific gemstones or colours for luck and health.  The charts are thus very good value for money and would cost upwards of £300 to gather the same amount of information.  Compatibility charts can also be provided for two individuals with interpretations.  Provided in english but other languages provided on request.  Birth dates, location of birth and time of birth must be provided.  If time is not known a general guess is made but the chart will lose some accuracy.

Prices until end of 2011:
Full personal chart and interpretation: £30
Compatibility chart between two people: £40


Friday, 26 August 2011

Spring water elixir of life?

Today I toured a spring water bottling plant. I was invited by the owner after he read the small piece I had included in my Weight Loss book about the importance of drinking water. It was a most interesting tour. I was thinking that they simply got a pump and filled the bottles. But they do over a hundred different tests each day on the water to check for any contaminants. It can happen that on odd days certain contaminants- although not harmful can cause a slight taste to the water. In such cases they will in fact close the bottling of the water until it clears up. Another fact is they do tests on the actual plastic bottles. Even though the plastic is double checked by the suppliers- they will still conduct further tests to check the plastic is as it is supposed to be. I asked the question about re-using plastic bottles. I am told they do not recommend people refill bottles of water. The reason being, that over time you can get bacteria or algae growth, unless you sterilise the bottle everyday. However one problem with this is that the process of sterilization could breakdown the plastic and leech harmful chemicals into your water.
During vedic times both spring and the natural clear waters from the mountains were used as both for general health and for ayurvedic medicine uses.  It is a common fact that chronic dehydration is a worldwide problem and would urge everyone to drink drink drink water!

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Secret Power of Lists gift package?

I have had hundreds of requests for some kind of full list package comprising my book, paper, pen as part of a gift package that could be given to friends and relatives during special occasions such as birthdays.
I will certainly investigate if this would be feasible so I can not make any promises. As you will all know from my blogs there are a number of different projects and work I am involved in which does mean a delay or impossibility of bringing to you everything you want.

On a side note thanks to all the emails and calls supporting the Secret Power of Lists. I am also happy to see a few of you have been holding List Parties to bring like minded people together to support each other in their list making. I continue to receive daily reports of success stories from around the world and happy to see that The Secret Power of Lists are working for you.
Thank you all.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Royal Jelly Honey : Nectar of the Gods

Honey has a long history of usage from ancient vedic times where it was an important ingredient in various rituals as well as in the use of medicine- ayurvedic. Honey was gathered in the traditional way during vedic times where nests were sought out and honey taken. The way this was done ensured that the nest was not destroyed and so ensured a lifelong supply. Considering this natural way of collecting honey, the collection of Royal Jelly was extremely difficult- so say researchers who suggest that it was only hundreds of years later when the keeping of hives allowed royal jelly production to be possible. However there is research to suggest there were some unique methods involved in honey and royal jelly collection that involved the use of the natural beehive as opposed to modern man-made beehives. Royal jelly collection on a large scale was therefore in operation during vedic times and is not a modern development.
There are quite a number of vedic texts which talk of honey and royal jelly as being the nectar of the Gods and have the ability to cause god-like effects on us humans.

So I would suggest everyone takes a teaspoon of honey everyday as an everyday tonic. But ensure you purchase good quality honey which has a large amount of royal jelly added. I have found some honey which although suggests that it contains royal jelly (and other ingredients like bee pollen and propolis)- the amounts they contain are so minuscule that one must doubt the effectiveness. There are also honeys that are overpriced such as manuka honey which use ratings to suggest the amount of so called good chemicals within the honey. Some research suggests that this way of categorising honey is not very useful in determining its value.

There is a particular honey which I have been supplied with that I can purport to be of good quality as well as excellent value for money. If anyone wishes to purchase a bottle to try I can provide them depending on whether I have extra supplies. This honey is at times difficult to get hold of. I can provide a bottle of 250grammes of this honey for the cost of £8. Please get in touch. There are of course other honey products out there so make your own choices based on sound advice.

October 28 2011 -What does it mean?

For a few years now the focus has been upon the calendar date of October 28th 2011. This is what some researchers looking at the decoding of the Mayan calendar suggest is an eventful date.
Although media and other channels have decided to focus more upon the date of December 21st 2012, others are suggesting that although 2012 may be significant we must first look upon October 28th as highly significant.
This date does NOT mark the so called doomsday scenario of an end of the world. However there will be some kind of shift that will occur which will then make the year 2012 something very different to what we have experienced before on this planet.
Let us look at the planetary alignments that are set to occur on October 28th. An alignment is specific lining up of planets and some have documented that when such events take place that the Earth reacts to these in some way. For example the Chile, and Japan earthquakes have occurred when alignments have taken place. So what of October 28th? Well the planet Jupiter, Sun, and Earth are due to align on that date. Add to this mix the comet Elenin which is due to come into orbit within our solar system, and which may have its orbit deflected due to the alignment causing it to come very close, or some suggest to crash into Earth.

Now as I say these events DO NOT mark a doomsday scenario- just as the Japan earthquake was not major doomsday scenario for the world- but which it did cause was a lot of worry and panic especially with the drifting nuclear clouds. So these events if they do occur may just lead to a new way of thinking and living- a change in how we think of our place in the world and how we interact with others. These shifts in thinking will gather pace over 2012 and see us approaching December 2012 as changed people.

Can the Secret Power of Lists help you prepare? Certainly-for those who are already using the lists- they are already preparing their minds to tune into the invisible world. Whatever occurs in the next few months, these people will have developed the necessary mindset to handle whatever may come. For those who have never tried using Lists- may I suggest you buy or borrow a copy of the book and begin a list now so you can begin the task of preparing yourself for the positive aspects of what October 28th and beyond will bring.

In fact I do believe the more people who have prepared their minds and are in tune with the Earth and the energies around them, can effect the negative changes that may otherwise occur and the next few months may pass by without any events effecting us.

Sunday, 14 August 2011

London and Birmingham Riots : Special Comment

The past couple of days has been a trying time for many around the country and I have been asked to provide some comment on the events. I have therefore prepared a special comment.

First I want to point you to one remarkable reporter from sangat tv who was able to provide coverage of the events as they took place in Birmingham. The reason I mention this person is that his message was something which we all can take onboard whatever religious faith we follow. His message was simple- do not take part in the riots-stay calm, have peace, and believe in the religion of humanity.

I too was shocked to see the events taking place in the very location where I visit on a frequent basis and where I meet friendly shopkeepers and friendly people. Every week I drive along the high street in smethwick, use the library, buy vegetables, or meats, or try the many choices of fast foods there and then to see members of the sikh community having to defend the same street against potential criminals.

I wish to comment about the criminals who stole items and damaged property. You crimminals are now covered in dark energies as are the items which you stole. I urge you to hand yourselves in to the police and take the sentences which you are given, and importantly apologise and repent for your actions. This must be done for your spiritual good and if you do not then these negative energies will continue to haunt you for the rest of your lives. I have seen for myself how such dark energies consume a person and bring upon all kinds of harm to them (what people also term as karma).

For those thinking of knowingly buying stolen goods -these items are tainted by dark energies and again these will only bring negative effects within your home. You will notice all manner of problems once these stolen goods are in your posession such as health and general bad luck (not to mention the effect on your spiritual well being). If you see items for sale on popular sites such as ebay or gumtree you must do all you can to check these items have not been stolen-ask for a reciept of purchase. Please please be warned that the negative effects of these stolen items is extremely powerful simply because of the circumstances surrounding the riots that have taken place over the course of a few days.

So please I urge you do not put yourself at risk by buying any stolen goods and doing what you can to support the police in catching the criminals. Remember even if the criminal is your own son you will be doing the best thing for them by informing the police.

Friday, 5 August 2011


I have now been provided with the vedic name of the device which I mentioned in my previous post. They are called Zakti-mani. A visiting friend from India was able to transport another one of these Zaktimani to me so I could pass it on to someone I know who will be able to test further. I can report that the roses are doing extremely well and I have had around five lovely roses with strong scent. The Zaktimani I believe is working on some level to energise this rose plant and to improve its ability to fight off fungal and other infections and be able to thus nourish itself to produce lovely red roses. I hope to report back soon regarding these experiments with Zaktimani.
If anyone has questions feel free to contact me.