Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Free Prayer Service

I was informed today about a free prayer service which is being offered to all those who require it. It is not common for something like this to be offered free of charge -but it has been possible from some donations. Please respect the instructions given on the site so it can benefit everyone and do not run into any issues which may prompt the withdrawal of the service.  Something which I really like is that this is not a simple prayer service but appears to be a combination of prayer, meditation and what they term as vibrational tools which take place over a couple of days. This is something which would probably cost a lot of money if one wanted such a service. The link is here.


  1. I have requested a free prayer and quite amazed that the service is free of cost. I will hopefully obtain results soon and will let you know what happens. Thanks for letting us know about this!

  2. Neena MayuriJuly 06, 2015

    Thank you for this. I requested prayers for my exam success and it has worked! 5 B grades! God bless!

  3. Success!! Managed to get approval for building work that was blocked many times before. Thank.
