Sunday, 23 February 2014

Sound vibration and Quantum sound frequencies...

Today we have an article about the area of sound vibrations and how they can then be used to bring about certain manifestations.

Manifestation, Prosperity and Abundance Through Quantum Sound Frequencies

The Merger of Science and Spirituality.
There has always been the age old question of what comes first - the chicken or the egg? We are complex beings, spiritual beings in a mind-based biological form. How can we integrate these two poles of human experience?
At this important crossroads in human history, it is essential that we bring together the scientists and the spiritualists of the world to exchange and blend viewpoints, so that we can evolve a holistic system that can benefit both sides. All traditions, both spiritual and scientific, have greatly contributed to the advancement of human culture and knowledge. One does not have to negate the other. Each reveals an important facet in the mysteries of life, and each should be valued and respected for its contribution. Only in this way can we grow as a global community, united in solving our common problems.
Quantum Sound Frequencies: Tools to Access the Super Conscious Mind.
MindScience has been developed to offer tools for daily use to enhance every aspect of our lives. This is a great plan for everyone. If you are in need of anything in your life, there is a quantum sound frequency that will absolutely help you to achieve it.
Quantum sound frequencies, are sounds that resonate at the core of our consciousness, where mind meets matter. You can use quantum sound frequencies (QSF) to manifest whatever you are trying to achieve in your life. There is a QSF for every sort of goal that you might have: business, money, relationships, creativity, enhanced intelligence, health and healing, inner peace, and spiritual unity, to name just a few.
How does it work?
It works though sound waves or vibrations. Our communication is based on sacred sounds. It is like calling you by your name in a crowded room, all those named John when called will respond. A quantum sound frequency does the same thing. When we think about what we would like to attain we draw it closer to us. When we use a sound in conjunction with the thought it is like using a loud speaker. The result happens faster. Through the daily practice of using Quantum Sound Frequencies we can transform our mundane lives into extraordinary journeys.
One of the most powerful QSFs is the primal creative sound "Ah". The "Ah" quantum sound frequency specifically moves the creative energies found in the sex center, located around the area of the sex organs, up the spine into the center located between the two eyes and eyebrows (the area of pineal gland). By moving this energy from the base of the spine to the center between the two eyebrows, you shift its expression from procreation into creating other desires, such as a home, job or relationship. By utilizing the primary sound of manifestation we can greatly amplify the focal power of our mind and speed the manifestation of our desires.
A 90 Day Quantum Sound Frequency Challenge
When using this sound, you can attract what you would like to your life. I challenge you all to a 90 day experiment with this QSF and see the results for yourself. The experiment will work best if you make a commitment to doing it for these 90 days. There are no limitations to what you can create with this Quantum Sound Frequency(QSF).
The experiment is simple. Get an idea of what you would like to create, focus on this and use the QSF "Ah". Say the sound "Ahhhhhh" and imagine it in the base of your spine. Say it with emotion and enjoy the sound. See the sound moving up the spine to the space between your eyebrows. Bring in the visualization of what you want to create and see it in the third eye center. Know that it is there and chant the sound "Ah" into your visualization in the center between the eyebrows. Do this for at least a few minutes as you continue to see your visualization there as clearly as possible. Penetrate the vision with the sound. Do this at least once each day, and more whenever you like and have some other minutes for the experiment.
Go to to learn more about the benefits of MindScience and quantum sound frequencies.

1 comment:

  1. Sound Healing therapy moves the patient closer to health, harmony and state of balance. There are number of frequencies which heal the illness in a natural and effective way which is known as Healing Sound. Listening to the specially recorded sound frequencies during your daily routine can create the positive changes which will enhance the quality of your life.
