Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Spells, black magic : protect yourself

Since the release of the latest work on Yantra, there have been a number of enquiries regarding the influence, or what people believe to be the influence of negative spells or black magic.  Please be aware that in most cases, negative things going on within people's live have nothing to do with someone else having put a spell upon them.  It is a fact of life that negative things can and do happen to everyone.  However one must also be aware that people's lives can be influenced by negative forces conducted on purpose.
So can one protect oneself and family against such negative acts?  Yes.  There are a numerous ways of protection, and the latest work outlines the use of Yantra for protection. Another device for protection is called a Zaktimani although there is only one supplier in the world where this can be purchased.  Details can be found in the book.



  1. Krishan MrithuyraJuly 11, 2012

    Interesting. I too have heard of zaktimani but didn't realise these devices are real things. I thought they were just fairy tales or a myth! I need to get one!

  2. Jennifer LongsdaleSeptember 02, 2012

    Just a quick thank you regarding Zaktimani. I ordered mine from your recommended real yantra store which is linked from here. I had to wait two months to get my Zaktimani but it was worth the wait. This is the real thing- I used the instructions and placed it in the correct place in my house. All I can say is that the daily fights that used to happen in my house are no more. Everyone feels calmer and less on edge-we all feel more positive and happier and things are starting to go right with us!We had money worries but finally my hubby got a job and then my eldesy son found a job- we are getting back on our feet again thanks to this Zakti-mani. My friends are still skeptical but who cares I know it has worked wonders for me! So just a thank you for mentioning this item as I would never have heard about it otherwise!

  3. Jignest PrabhartaNovember 22, 2012

    We have had this in our home for many many years, my great great great grandfather is said to have been given to him by a Yogi. We keep it in the temple inside the home and treat it with respect. No-one knew what it was or what it could do exactly. But we have always done well in life (all those who grew up in the same house have done well). It is quite amazing and finally I know what it is called!

  4. Jim Moore DavidsonDecember 14, 2012

    Thank you for passing on the knowledge regarding the Zakti-Mani. To be honest I was really skeptical thinking it was some mumbo jumbo stuff. Still my wife said to give it a go (we have hit some really bad finance and health issues recently). Our Zakti-Mani arrived in three months as I was told that they needed to wait for a specific date to start creation of it. Anyway I received it in three months and we kept it in the house. Within a month things did turn around for us. My wife and me found jobs and were able to start paying off debts. Our health conditions have also improved. In general we just feel so positive and it feels like we have been living in a dark room for the past few years before the Zakti-Mani arrived. Please accept my thanks and hope everyone else is able to take advantage of this knowledge!

  5. Melina Thomsalina DesouzaJune 18, 2015

    I purchased the Zakti-mani six months ago and felt I needed to comment here. Please accept my deepest thanks for creating this for me and advising me on how best to make use of the power. I was in a bad relationship. My husband was controlling me and hitting me. Bad case of domestic violence. It was extremely bad and I told no one. It had been going on for 5 years. I thought the Zakti-mani would change him to be nice but actually it has changed me to be strong. People came into my life to help me! I felt powerful, like I had wings to fly. I stood up to him and he became a mouse! I walked out and took half of everything and I am now rebuilding my life. I found a job! He never would let me out or work and now I have a job and my own beautiful place by the sea. I am taking it easy but I think I have found a most amazing man that cares for me. We are just friends and want to take things slow. This Zakti-mani is powerful. I believe! Thank you thank you!!!
