Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Spells, black magic : protect yourself

Since the release of the latest work on Yantra, there have been a number of enquiries regarding the influence, or what people believe to be the influence of negative spells or black magic.  Please be aware that in most cases, negative things going on within people's live have nothing to do with someone else having put a spell upon them.  It is a fact of life that negative things can and do happen to everyone.  However one must also be aware that people's lives can be influenced by negative forces conducted on purpose.
So can one protect oneself and family against such negative acts?  Yes.  There are a numerous ways of protection, and the latest work outlines the use of Yantra for protection. Another device for protection is called a Zaktimani although there is only one supplier in the world where this can be purchased.  Details can be found in the book.
