Sunday, 18 November 2012

Problems finding a job

I have noticed a great increase in the number of people asking for help with finding a job. Some people are finding jobs but are experiencing that such jobs are only for short periods of time and then they are unemployed again. Some have been employed and have suddenly become jobless, and then there are those who are struggling for a long time to gain employment.

It is the case that in general there has been a great problem with the economy and of people losing jobs. However one must understand that jobs have also been created through new ways of doing things and new approaches to creating money.  There may no longer be the posts available in which you once worked but there may be posts elsewhere and which you do have the skills and abilities to do.  Alternatively there may be that so many people are applying for the same post that you are not very successful -and your 'luck' has not been in your court.

You can use The Secret Power of Lists to turn things around. Firstly it will bring a sense of confidence within you that you are taking a course of positive action to obtain a job. Second it will bring to you opportunities which you may not have considered before but which will start to create ideas in your mind as to how to take advantage of them.  Third it will tip the scales in your favour during selection processes so that all power will come to bear on your success.

Some people have asked about the use of Yantra to help and I can only state what I have said before that the only effective Yantra which I have seen to work are those that are personalised to an individuals birthchart.  More information about these can be seen in my other posts.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

General and personalised Yantra : The Difference

I was asked recently for a good place to purchase a Kuber Yantra. I explained that it would be more worthwhile to have a personalised Yantra made for wealth compared to purchasing Kuber Yantra which is a general type of Yantra for wealth.
Let me explain further using an example of a car. The question is like asking me whether I can find some oil for your car. Now actually any oil will work fine in your car and will still make the engine run okay. However compare this to using a speciality oil that is matched to the specific requirements of your car engine. The difference is you will get a much better responce from your engine and also extend the life of the car.
So by asking for a Kuber Yantra who are asking for a general tool for wealth which may work but it may also be hindered in its effectiveness. However if a personalised Yantra is made based on a person astrological chart then you will get maximum effectiveness and response to your needs.

Of course it is not so easy to find places which will be able to create genuine personalised Yantra for you which is why general Yantra may be the next best thing and are so widely marketed. Sadly many have the mistaken belief that this is all there is when the truth is they are not.

Friday, 14 September 2012

New Yantra magazine

I received some promotional material regarding a new magazine that is due to be launched soon. I was given kind permission to reproduce the front cover.  Pricing and subscription details are unknown at this time but it does look like a very interesting magazine and I will be the first in line to subscribe!

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Spells, black magic : protect yourself

Since the release of the latest work on Yantra, there have been a number of enquiries regarding the influence, or what people believe to be the influence of negative spells or black magic.  Please be aware that in most cases, negative things going on within people's live have nothing to do with someone else having put a spell upon them.  It is a fact of life that negative things can and do happen to everyone.  However one must also be aware that people's lives can be influenced by negative forces conducted on purpose.
So can one protect oneself and family against such negative acts?  Yes.  There are a numerous ways of protection, and the latest work outlines the use of Yantra for protection. Another device for protection is called a Zaktimani although there is only one supplier in the world where this can be purchased.  Details can be found in the book.

Friday, 18 May 2012


I have become aware in the past couple of months of attempts to prevent sales of my works, as well as publicity of them.  I just wished to let everyone know that I am aware and I will do my best to overcome them. I feel that perhaps my works have caused issues with some elements in society who do not wish for others to gain success through own efforts.  You can help simply by telling others of your success and allow others to experience the secret power of lists.
Thank you all for your kinds words and let us all work together to better ourselves!

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Can life change?

The post title is a question I often get asked- worded in so many different ways but essentially the question is whether it is possible for life to change considering your personal circumstances.  When you have told me of your particular circumstances many of you are convinced that these circumstances are so dire that change is impossible.
Let me simply say categorically that change is indeed possible.  I have seen the evidence for myself of circumstances which logically one may consider as a hopeless case.  But things can and do change.  Now these are not just comforting words but are based on the fact that our reality, what we see out there as a solid world, only appears solid.  It becomes solid only after we have processed the information out there- but what is the world actually composed of?  The work into Quantum physics provides us with a totally new way of understanding the world.  There is a lot of literature surrounding this subject which one can consult.  In essence the point I wish to make is that nothing in your life is impossible to change.  Nothing at all.  Believe in this and trust in this.

Friday, 30 March 2012

Kindle ebook release: Secret Power of Lists series

I am excited to announce a series of Secret Power of Lists ebooks being released over the next few months.

These series of mini ebooks will cover specific lists.  They will contain some information from the print edition but will focus specifically on the practical steps to achieve goals.  There will also be some updated information following feedback and comments received from the public.

Each will be available for purchase at a very low cost and so will enable a lot of people to start writing lists and attaining their goals.  The first ebook in the series will be ‘The Secret Power of Lists to find a partner’.

Currently the books are only available on Amazon for the Kindle device.  The publishers are working to try and make the books available via other distribution channels.

Please pass on this information to everyone that you know, and thank you all again for your continued support and encouragement.

The Secret Power of Lists: Find a partner

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Increase your height -possible?

I have been catching up with emails the past few days from you all.  One interesting email I received was regarding the increase of height and whether it was possible to increase it.  It is true that genetics plays a part in determining ones height-however some processes can be carried out to boost ones height.  The following are important aspects:

  • Age: The earlier one is able to put into practice the appropriate processes the better
  • Nutrition: The body can not work at its best if it does not get the correct inputs.  Some ayurvedic preparations will also assist.
  • Yogic postures: There are certain postures which when done on a regular basis will cause relevant growth of the muscle-skeleton structure.
  • Meditation: Proper mind control will assist with the release of appropriate chemicals responsible for growth 
  • Secret Power of Lists from my book will also assist- look for the page regarding Lists for Health
  • Yantra : A Yantra created for health will provide great support and benefit-see my recent book on Yantra.
Please feel free to ask further questions and I will do my best to respond.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Yantra, Mantra and Tantrism: The Complete Guide

The response to the book as been enormous!  Thank you for all your comments!  For those who don't know, the new book is now available from Amazon:

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Ipad suggestions for Lists App

I know many of you own an apple ipad device, whether it be the ipad 1, ipad 2, or are due to purchase the Ipad 3.  A few of you have been telling me that the experience of writing on the ipad using the finger or a special stylus is quite friendly, and almost akin to writing on normal paper with pen.  Some have questioned me regarding the use of the ipad device to make lists, to be then printed out on paper and utilised as required in my book.  I see nothing wrong with this however I would say that it would be preferable to write a few lines by hand on each page you print out to connect yourself to the paper.
Some have asked if there will ever be a Secret Power of List's application for the Ipad device that could assist with the writing of the lists, and possible offer other options such as the ability to listen to the appropriate mantra so they are pronounced correctly.  This would indeed be a great application, and is something that will be considered.  The task would require some monetary investment and of course some time, but I do think it would be worthwhile.  If there are any of you who are skilled in developing apple ipad applications and this project would be of interest to you, then please get in touch.

Friday, 24 February 2012

New Book: Ready to order

I have been notified that the new book 'Yanra, Mantra and Tantrism' is now available to order.  The order link is below.  But do email me for a discount code!

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Sneak preview of book cover

Below is a sneak preview of the front cover of the new book.  A lot of you have been asking if is possible to pre-order this book-I'm told that as the publication date is so close that it would not be worthwhile to place pre-orders.

What I can offer exclusively for readers of this blog is a 5% discount code to be used when placing your order.    Simply email me via the publishers before the publication date to receive your code.

Now here is the cover:

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Yantra Book: Two weeks until publication

Today I was sent the final proofs for the book cover which after checking and approval, was given a publication date within the next two weeks.
The publishers have also reported 200 pre-orders based on first and second drafts which were sent to contributors and a number of scholars.  As soon as I have permission to post the cover of the book I will do so. Thank you all for your words of encouragement: finally the long wait will be over!

Friday, 13 January 2012

Yantra book publication close

I am happy to report that great strides have been made by the publishers and I hope to announce a publication date soon of the Yantra book which I know has been long overdue.  Many may not know that the book began three years ago and has required such a time for research to be carried out and for the number of contributors to complete their final drafts.