Monday, 5 September 2011

Global dreams as premonition of world events: followup

I just wanted to thank everyone for sending me their dreams.  I thought I would post one here for everyone to read and to keep encouraging people to send me your dreams.  You can also send me dreams that have been told to you first hand by the dreamer.  Ok so here is the dream sent to me by a 40 year old man in the UK.  What is interesting is that his dream uses an american term (martial law) yet the soldiers themselves are British.  Here it is:

'I was a few floors up in a building and I could see far out in to the distance.  I glanced away as I think I was doing some work and then when I next looked out of the window I saw a huge whirling tornado.  There were other people with me and they all started to look outside.  We saw three other tornado's and we could hear the sound of it sucking everything in its path.  I just said oh my god and thought only of my wife at home and that she would be terrified there with the winds going at tremendous speeds.  I remember thinking that all I wanted to do was be with my wife at home.  I knew something on a global scale had happened.  Then the dream changed and I saw a lot of the British army with guns on the streets.  I heard on the tv that martial law was declared and everyone needed to be careful.    My wife had somehow made her way to me and although she was not in a good state we were both glad we were together.  My overall feeling was not of terror but of a feeling that something had happened and things were under some sort of control'.

Interesting dream is it not- please keep sending in your dreams...

True reports of synchronicity

One of my earlier posts remarked on some events which can only be described as remarkable.  These events are termed synchronicity and describe events or situations which are unlikely to have been caused by chance. I continue to receive your own stories and I am always amazed at the various types of synchronicity that have occurred in your lives.  Some of you have said how such events may not be very interesting to other people but to the person it happen to it can be quite uplifting.  Let me give you one example below reproduced with permission:

'I had read a really great novel about 5 years ago and although I knew the story well I had forgotten the author and the title after one year.  I tried to use google and other specialised book search services in order to track down what this book was called.  I was desperate to read it again and after various searchs over 3 years I simply gave up all hope of finding the book.  
Then last week I was working in the office and I went to get some water from the kitchen and was walking back to my desk and happen to pass two other women who worked in the office near the kitchen.  It was only because I had to walk past them to get to my own desk that I happened to overhear one woman talk to the other about a book in which the story revolved around animal food consumption.  I walked past and then I stopped momentarily to catch a few more words.  She was describing the exact same novel which I had been searching for many years, in a few seconds I heard both the title and author of the book!'.  I rushed back to my desk and checked online and saw the cover on amazon and it was exactly the same book!!  If I hadn't gone to fetch some water at that exact time I would never have past these two women talking about the book at that exact time.  This proves to me that our thoughts do radiate out into the universe and brings forth certain events to grant our wishes and needs'.

So as you can see it may seem like a small thing to find a long forgotten novel title, but for this person it was highly significant!!

Please continue to send me your true stories!

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Paperthinks : Moleskin type Notebooks-

I had the pleasure of seeing notebook products by Paperthinks company today at an arts fayre.
Not only are their products made using recycled materials (leather is 100% recycled and the paper is 50% recycled)- the quality and beauty of the products really stood out for me.   There are various sizes available in various colours.  So it is something I would suggest people try for writing their lists (the larger sized notebooks would be most suitable).   One thing I do not know is the retail price of these notebooks, however please leave comments if you wish for me to explore further and I can perhaps get a good pricing if there are a lot of you who do wish to try out these notebooks.
Here is a photo of a selection of them- you can see just some of the colours available.  Unfortunately there were no samples for me to take away and to properly test the pages and the various types of pens on them- however just from visual and touch feedback I can guess that they would hold up to a variety of pens and pressures without causing too many problems.  By the way if you haven't read my other blog post regarding another notebook that I came across you can read it here.