Friday, 11 June 2010

Home Security, secret practices and cctv

Home Security, secret practices and cctv

We all live in different areas and for the most part our neighbourhoods are peaceful and calm without any troubles. But some of you are experiencing daily or weekly incidents such as smashed windows, vandalised cars and other such nuisance.
I have heard you say that it is all well and good following my book to obtain more money to move to another nicer location. But what if these incidents are causing you so much fear and anguish that you simply can not focus properly on The Secret Power of lists? Is there a list to get rid of such problems?
Well let me tell you that problems are caused by people and you can make people either not do things, or choose not to target your own neighbourhood. When in India researching my first book I did come across certain practices you can carry out, but I am reluctant to mention them due to the harm it may cause. They are extremely powerful, however done by one person they will not be that effective. If however a group of people that are having problems got together to conduct the practices then there is no doubt your problems will be eliminated. As I say these were not included in my book due to potential harm that could be effected. For example one practise causes the target persons to develop ‘blind spots’. So your car could be energised to become a blindspot and therefore avoid getting vandalised. However it is possible your target can develop a blindspot for all other similar type cars and therefore could step out in front of such a car when crossing the road.
I believed this blind spot practise was transported to china and became something that the ancient ninja incorporated in their training. It probably became a lost art when the ninja heightened senses training was able to overcome these blind spots.
If you wish to know more please email me and I may expand more in further blogs.

So what can I suggest instead?
I have some practical suggestions such as cctv security. My best advice is to purchase a dedicated cctv digital recorder along with at least two cameras. I managed to get these components for £250. Avoid the bundled kits which will probably include a not-so good recorder or inferior cameras. The ones I chose were good quality and great functionality. I spent many many hours reading and searching cctv sites
Until I was able to narrow down my choices and was able to install it all myself-which is quite good considering my skills are mediocre. If anyone would like further advice and help please let me know.

1 comment:

  1. Such a nice blog for those who are concerned about security both residentially and commercially. As I have got from Security Window Gates
