Thursday, 23 December 2010

New Year resolutions and a promise to yourself

As the year draws to a close, many people will be thinking about new years resolutions. Before you think about new ones consider the ones you made last year- how many of those did you keep? This will provide a clue as to how well you may do in the coming year with any new resolutions you make.

I would like to suggest a new resolution that may well assist you in making sure your other resolutions are kept. This resolution is to simple make sure you follow one list from the book. You can choose any one- but make sure you complete it and that you do it with full attention. That’s it? I hear you ask. That’s it, and it appears simple enough but you will be surprised to hear from the number of people who have had difficulty in getting started, who have started but have stopped. This can be for a number of reasons, and is also probably the reason why you have not been able to keep other resolutions or promises to yourself. I will mention one main reason and that is what I call the self-saboteur. The self-saboteur is yourself and what happens is that your subconscious mind will do everything it can to protect you- be they real or imagined threats. These imagined threats can be your memories and experiences in life(most often childhood). You may have unconsciously created certain beliefs which lead to imagined problems that may occur from change. Why do corporations spend billions every year in courses around change? It is because change is a major issue for everyone, and most of the time we all have a fear of change. So when you are for example working towards losing weight you may be self-sabotaging yourself because of a subconscious belief that there may be threats to self if you should lose weight. For example you may have beliefs about what thin people are like, or the groups thin people hang around this- and this can be scary and thus threatening to the subconscious and so it does all it can to steer you away from achieving your goal of getting thin or losing weight.

So you see it is not easy to work towards change, but my book will assist in breaking negative energy with regard to a goal. By the way if your goal is to lose weight –you must look at my latest book called Mind Your Weight as well the Brainwave CD of the same name.

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Book Discount Codes : 2 everyday

From now until Christmas I am offering to give discounts codes for either of my books. Every day 2 people will be selected and a discount code will be on its way to your emailbox. The books would make a nice gift for yourself or your loved ones.

Simply add a comment below saying 'I want a book discount' and you will be in the draw everyday. I will close the draw on Sunday 19th December which will allow people who win on that day to order in time for christmas.

I will post here the usernames of those who have won and will provide an email address you can use to claim your code.

Good luck.

Monday, 29 November 2010

Mind Machines and the Secret Power of Lists

The Monroe Institute

I do a lot of reading around a variety of subjects and today I was reading all about mind machines. These are basically a small electronic box in which you plug in headphones and put on glasses. These glasses are blacked out and inside are small lights. The machines plays back sound and the lights flash. The sounds are a combination of seasurf/music along with special tones/beats which the brain then becomes entrained to. In other words it causes the brain to go into more relaxed states. The glasses work in conjunction by flashing in special combinations (you close your eyes) and the light can be 'seen' through the eyelids.
This technology does have a lot of scientific research behind it and I am hoping I can perhaps try them out and use them in conjunction with the lists. I shall do this on those days when my mind is overactive and difficult to settle down. This technology should then help my mind to calm down and thus be able to do the lists in a perfect state of mind.

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Quick thank you

I had an email from a reader who told me they have left a nice book review on the site where they had purchased the book from. So this is a thank you and a link is provided below of anyone does wish to read it.

On a related note a number of people have asked why there are no reviews on amazon. I can only state that a lot of people do not take the time to write them. I do know that a lot of publishers are using review companies to increase the numbers of reviews for thier books because they know people will generally purchase an item when it apparently shows lots of favourable reviews. I will not state here my own views about the use of such book review services, but I will say that I will personally never allow the use of such 'services' to increase book sales.

Have a read of the following links :

I have and will always rely on the simple word of mouth marketing. I know many have purchased my book off amazon and not left reviews and I have had emails from such people with questions about the book ect. It is people's own choice whether to leave a book review and perhaps the reason no one has is that maybe people feel they do not want others to know they are using the secret power of lists in thier lives.

So anyway- that is a little explanation of why there are no reviews of my book on amazon.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Yantra -where can you get genuine yantra

The Sri Yantra.

A recent email prompted me to write a bit more about yantra’s which I could only touch upon in my book.

During, as well as after the publication of the book I have had numerous requests for further details on how genuine yantra’s can be obtained. A lot of people have been disappointed to find that the yantra’s they have purchased from various outlets have been mass market yantra’s. Many have yantra’s which they mistakenly believe are genuine yantra’s and are puzzled to find that they are not obtaining the results they were expecting.

So I have been asked where and how can genuine yantra’s be purchased from?

I can tell you for certain that there is no online shop where you can get a genuine yantra’s. I have seen a few online sites selling some for well over £1000 which is in itself a marketing ploy to make it appear that you are getting the real thing. People assume that the high cost means it must be genuine right? However you have no way of knowing where or how the yantra was made- you have to trust the people selling it online that they are telling the truth.
Having investigated a few of these sites I know they can not answer basic questions regarding methods, location or provide any names of people who have made the yantras. How then can I or anyone else place any trust in their yantra’s?

There are two sure ways of getting a genuine yantra. The first I explain in the book - you have to find the right contacts within the 'trade' and that does need a bit of research. During the writing of the book I did find genuine people in India who could still make yantras the traditional way using gold, silver and other metals. However I found many of these people were preferring to create mass market generic yantra's to save time and gain money quicker (and also sometimes cutting corners by using gold and silver of lower grades/purities. Often they had been approached by large online companies to provide these yantra’s in large amounts, and as I will explain, genuine yantra can not just be made in such amounts in short periods of time. So these people have had to create mass market yantra’s and charged them with minimal amounts of energy. So they will work to some extent but are no-where near as powerful as genuine yantra’s.

The problem with genuine yantra's and the reason they are very powerful is that they are created according to ancient traditional practices, and the time taken to make them can be considerable. Some of these genuine yantras have to have various symbols struck on them at specific times in the year, some of the pouring of the liquid metal can only be done certain times in the month. So as you can see making one genuine yantra for someone can take a few months, compared to a few hundred mass market ones made in the same time and perhaps greater profit compared to effort involved. The mass market technique will use one mould and a rough mix of one or two metals without any measuring of exact amounts, whilst some genuine yantra’s require specific metals (from 4 to 9 different ones) in the right amounts.

The other hurdle, once you have found the correct person who makes yantra’s in the traditional way is that you also need to persuade them to make the genuine yantra- and in my experience they will be careful who they say yes and no to. They will even consult a persons birthcharts before deciding. I do know of a story that Hitler had sent out a group to India to bring back people to Germany in order oversee the building of a huge yantra underground in the heart of Germany to ensure his success. This group refused to do so after seeing Hitlers birthcharts- you will find that hitler instead took on the hindu swastika symbol but reversed it on his flags.
So that is one way to obtain a genuine yantra. A word of warning for those who do venture to India to seek out tradional creators of yantra’s. I have lots of reports of people who have been duped by a lot of middlemen whilst in search, and it is very very easy to have this happen to you. For me I was able to speak to hundreds of people during my research and was provided with a lot of genuine help and support when I did make enquiries about yantra’s. It was these friends and family which ensured that I was not duped by individuals out to make money.

The other way to obtain a genuine yantra is from a family that is willing to part with one. You will find many indian families have a very old yantra that is most likely passed down through generations and is very likely to have originally been a genuine yantra. It is very very unlikely that a family would give up a family yantra as it is the heart and soul of the family.

I have so far had 3 yantras made for some family who have asked me to obtain yantra's for them, and one I was able to see the creation of over three months. It is a truly fascinating experience to see yantra’s take shape. I also have a few photo’s that I had taken during those three months which have actually captured what I describe as energy manifestations during the making of the yantra. If people do wish to see these please let me know and I will try and display them here.

So I conclude by saying that I can not personally recommend any places to purchase genuine yantra’s from. I also can not take requests for making of genuine yantra’s. Although I have been offered large amounts of money this is not something I can offer for anyone at this time. I can only suggest that if people do have friends and family in India that they start by asking them for contacts. But I warn again for people to be on guard as it is a easy place to be duped just as it is easy to be taken in by online shops selling mass market yantra’s.

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Back from America

A note to everyone that I have now returned from my trip to America.
I visited about 40 different venues speaking to audiences between 100 and 200. I was also on a number of tv and radio shows and now have been invited back for a number of dates in 2011.

I will catch up with everyones emails which at the moment stand at about 800. If you had not recieved a reply from an email I have sent please be patient- rest assured you will get a reply.

Sunday, 17 October 2010

In America

Just a quick blog update. I am still in America and hope to return in about 2 weeks. Lots to report on and amazing feedback from there. Hope to catchup with everything when I return.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Success story

I will talk about the success of the recent free seminar.

But first I wanted to mention an email I recieved from someone regarding the list for pasing exams. This person was only a week or so away from her exams and only just had come across my book. I suggested that she could try the list although I could not say whether the momentum would be enough to offer her as much help compared to doing the lists a few months before the exam. However I had an email a few days ago to say she had passed her exams and had scored a high 90 percent which is amazing. Again this proves the amazing power these lists have and adds to the number of people the lists have helped.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Money List questions

Today I am publishing answers to a recent email regarding the list for money. Others may have the same kind of questions in mind and therefore will find the answers useful.

1. The instructions state you should complete ten sets of lists. One list should be placed in the money box and the other list should be carried in your pocket. What should be done with the other eight lists? How long should I carry a list in my pocket?
2. Am I supposed to write one list per day for 10 days?
3. As I write the lists, should I speak the corresponding words that are in English or the words under Transliteration? If the words under Transliteration are to be spoken, where I can find the correct pronunciation?
4. Can the process of writing the lists be repeated a second or third time? How long should I wait to repeat the process?
. The instructions state you should write the list on good quality lined paper, but I was wondering if it would be acceptable if I use tracing paper and trace the lists?

In responce to your questions:

1. The other eight sheets should also be folded and placed inside the moneybox. Only one of the sheets should be folded and kept close to your body.
The amount of time you should carry the list with you is for as long as you can. Imagine it as a kind of credit card and keep it with you at all times. Its purpose is to draw money towards you by way of its vibrational energy. This vibration is setup in the process of doing the list.

2. You can do all ten lists in one day. But the main thing is that you are focused on the task and are undisturbed. Most people these days find time is limited and are often interrupted and so, may only have a few minutes in the day to do one list with full focus. So, for them they would probably stretch it out by doing a list per day. So ask yourself if you can give your full focus to the list on the one day. Also ask yourself whether you are really giving full focus to the task are or are just trying to hurry to get results. If you feel at the back of your mind that you may be trying to hurry things, then just do one list per day to settle your mind a little and allow it to focus on the the list rather than the results of the lists that you are expecting.

3. It is just the transliteration you need to speak. The English translation is just to reassure people what the words mean. This was something that was requested from the trial as a lot of the people felt nervous not knowing what they were speaking. The Sanskrit words have a specific energy of their own which is why speaking the English words will not work.

I will try and explain how to correctly pronounce the lists for money:
Dhana = dhun-na
Aadhikya= aa-dheek-ya
Tatinii= tat-ee-nee
Ayaskaatiiya = ayash-kaa-tee-yaa
I will think about producing a sound file for the words above. But the above should be helpful to you to speak the words.

I would suggest you see where you currently are now with your money. Over the past few months has more money come in than out? This will give you an idea whether the flow of money is correct in your life. If it is in negative flow then the list will start to turn things but it will take some time for it to start to reverse positively.
So if the above is the case, then do the process once and wait to see what the situation is like after three months. If there is no change you can repeat the process again and observe the next few months.
If however money is already flowing to you then the need to repeat the process reduces-in other words after 6 months. Interesting to note (which I mentioned in my blog) is that when I first experimented with this list a year or so ago I have found the list still seems to be working for me as I seem to get money come to me unexpectedly (mostly small amounts).

No- tracing paper would not be acceptable. The process is a combination of connecting your brain to to the lists and generating vibrations in the world around you by the process of writing and speaking the words. Think about why the idea came into your mind to use tracing paper. To briefly explain, your subconscious may be introducing a way to sabotage the list and ensure things in your life with regards to money stay as they are. If any other thoughts come to you that are shortcuts then do your best to dismiss them. Also if you do tell others of the lists then be prepared for negative responses and do not allow them to stop you carrying out the process. Something I advice people is not to tell anyone that they are doing these lists- even though it does mean my book does not get publicised much and so effects sales. However I would much rather have a life be improved than have a book sold. By keeping the list secret protects you from others negative responses and will give you one less thing to contend with.

Monday, 26 July 2010

Week Update

I was not able to post here before I left for a very special trip to Austria. A speaker at the annual Life Health programme dropped out and I was asked if I could prepare something at short notice and deliver it to the delegates. Well I agreed and I had one day to get everything ready.
Well I flew back yesterday and am a little worn out but very excited by the people I had met in Austria. I only wished I had taken a larger quantity of my books to give away. Anyway I hope to get back to posting some more interesting blog posts in the coming week once I have unpacked my suitcase and caught up with all my emails from you wonderful people.

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Dealing with sleep problems

In my new book on losing weight I mention the importance of getting enough sleep. I also offered a list in my first book for people who have problems sleeping. However I did say that there are various other factors which can affect your sleep. Many people may say that they feel they sleep ok. However if you were to film them during the night you would know the truth. For many are actually having a bad nights sleep and they may not realise it. People will often report feeling energised and refreshed after going abroad. Part of that reason may just be because you have slept comfortably in a bed with pillows in a better condition than yours may be at home.
I would like to mention some of them today as I know a few of you have requested more information. Lets start with electronic devices. Some people are more sensitive to others to electromagnetic radiation. These are emitted from all sorts of devices such as mobile phones, power extension cables, table lights and electric blankets. If you can remove them from your sleeping environment the better-that is if you have tried everything else and continue to have sleep problems. One device people can not do without is their mobile phone and many people will leave it very close by. What you may not know is that the phone will continue to send and receive signals and these waves can cause, for some people, sleep problems.
Although it may seem like marketing speak by bed companies- it is true that your bed can be the cause of many sleep problems. But you may not need to buy a whole new bed and mattress- there are cheaper alternatives such as mattress toppers. A lot of people find memory foam toppers to offer relief. Don’t forget the importance of a suitable pillow. Is your pillow flat and lost its bounce? It is important to provide the neck adequate support during sleep. Again I will mention memory foam pillows which I myself use. Although some people find that the heat retaining properties feel uncomfortable for them. An alternative then would be a new pillow with goose or duck feather fillings.
Finally there are techniques in both of my books to ensure you get a sound sleep by calming the mind so that at bedtime you are not so plagued by worries that you are not able to sleep soundly even when you have taken care of all of the aspects I mentioned above.

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Seminar 2010

I have news for those who were lucky enough to be selected to the all expenses paid seminar. There will be a special guest coming to speak to us on one of the nights- and has asked to remain anonymous until then. All I can say is that he is very well known around the world and highly respected in his field. I have also been told that he will be happy to record that particular session and make it available for everyone else. So at least for those who were not selected you will still at least get the benefit of the session by our mystery speaker!

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Life change – follow your passion

Do you leap out of bed every morning excited about your day? Or do you have to drag yourself out of your comfortable sleep and force yourself to get ready?
Most people have had at least one experience when a special event is about to take place the next day and you jump out of bed as if you don’t want to waste your precious time one sleep. Why is it that for most people this experience is distant memory? How many of you have concluded that this is what happens as you grow from being a young child to an adult. But let me tell you that for some people in the world, it is commonplace for them to wake up most days with great enthusiasm and energy for the day. That is how is should be. So what happened to many of us to stop that happening? The answer is that many of you are not doing what you love in life. We all have a gift in something and if that gift is not nurtured and developed then we will forever be wishing for something in life but not knowing what. As we get older we simply forget what it is that gave us joy when we were young and we pursue various career paths thinking that is what we want. Yet once we are set on such paths we wake up each day not really looking forward to work, or feeling half-hearted about it all. Let me tell you about someone I met a few years ago. He was a bus driver who I met at an awards ceremony where he received an award for customer service nominated by his passengers. I got talking to him and learnt he was a fully qualified medical doctor. I was astonished to say the least and asked him to tell me how he came to be driving busses. He told me when he was young he loved trucks and was collecting toy trucks. He got a licence to drive them as soon as he was old enough. His parents knew about his passion but they pushed him towards an acceptable career. He said he was always telling people he just wanted to be a truck driver. He did well at college and got a place on a medical course. Even in his vacations he was driving trucks to bring in some money. He says he knew his heart wasn’t in his medical course but he kept hearing his parents saying he needed to have a stable job and how hard life would be not knowing when the next salary would be coming from.
Soon after qualifying he was working as a doctor but he found that he was longing to get outside behind a wheel, and was having trouble getting up everyday to get to work. Then one day he decided he would have to do what he loved to do and gave up his job as a doctor and went back to driving trucks. Then he saw a job for bus drivers and applied and he says he knew everything fitted perfectly in his life. He even went back to college part time to learn about engines. Nowadays he is running a profitable business in upgrading and maintaining truck engines and he gets to travel the world to work on various contracts. He followed his passion and he is now making more money then he would have if he had stayed a doctor. I mention money because that’s the first thing people think of when choosing what to do in life, when actually money should be secondary.
By following your passion and nurturing your gift- you will find that your life will start to slot in perfectly. If you haven’t read the speech that Steve Jobs gave about the dots connecting up together, I will urge you to read it. It’s a similar story of how he followed what interested him and only years later did he realise that by following his passion he has gained amazing success- the dots all joined up. The bus driver, and Steve Jobs are not isolated cases, and so I urge you all to follow your passions and if you do not know what they are, or you feel you have no particular gifts then read one of my books and start to change your life.

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Money from unexpected places

I remember when I tried the list for money many months ago and since then the vibrations have continued to this day. It is that once things are set into a positive motion they keep going for a long while.
I often get emails from people who tell me of money received from unexpected places ranging from small to very large amounts.
For me its been small amounts and every time it happens I think back to the list and the power the lists have. So for those who have just begun with the list for money, I await your emails when those amounts of money, whether large or small come your way.

Monday, 28 June 2010

Seminars all booked

Just a note to everyone that the seminar is now fully booked. Thanks for your emails.
I have now emailed the lucky delegates details of their bookings- if you have not had these details contact me. I will be posting out the official lunch menu’s which I need to have back fully completed so the hotel can make sure they can fulfil your needs. Ignore the prices listed as everything is paid for- just pick whatever you want!

Saturday, 26 June 2010

Fifa World cup: How to win it

I had an interesting question about the Fifa world cup today. I was asked whether it would be possible for a team to win using the secret power of lists. The straight answer is that yes it is possible. But is it easy? Well there a number of factors which can help a team push forward to score goals. These factors can be improved upon using the power of lists. Team health would need to be exceptional and the lists could help a lot with pre-match preparation. Such as gaining success from all of the training. The lists can also assist with developing a strong confident team that believes it can win. This in itself can prove to be highly influential in the way the team plays. How often do you hear commentators speaking about the team spirit and team morale? So basically there are so many lists that can be used for various factors which could all be used together to help a team win. By the way I do not have plans to write a book for football teams to win at football. But I am happy to offer advise and suggestions of lists and practices in this regard if people do wish to contact me.

Friday, 25 June 2010

Book release feedback

It’s been a couple of months since the book was released to the public and I have had some great feedback. Shelley asked I mention her story so I have offered her space on the blog to have her say.
‘I have been struggling to say the least with paying my mortgage. My husband passed away 5 years ago and I am bringing two young children. Around Christmas I had to take a pay cut and so the stress piled on. In two months I had wiped out what savings I had and was having to take a loan to pay for the basics. I was in the library using their papers to find a better job and happened to see your book on the shelf. I took your book home and read your first chapter and thought yes I will give it a go. I used the list for money and after a week a cheque arrived in the post saying there was a refund due to overpaying tax. I really didn’t connect the money to what I had been doing with the list. Then three weeks later another cheque, this time from a magazine subscription company refunding me an error they had made with regard to a magazine I vaguely remember my husband subscribing to many years ago. That’s when I thought this was very weird and started to believe that your book works! Those cheques were enough to cover all my outgoings with a little amount left over. At this moment in time I am actually being able to save some money each month. Now this hasn’t been through any more surprise cheques but from lots of different places too. Too many to mention them all but take this one example. I was my child’s school and some parents mentioned the time taken to prepare sandwiches for lunch everyday and also the problems with making sure they were healthy. So I explained how I made my own bread for sandwiches and how I had made my own fillings (because buying them was expensive). Then one of them asked if I would prepare a sandwich for their child and hand them over in the mornings. Another parent asked the same. I didn’t know what to charge them so asked them to pay whatever they felt. Now I am getting extra income that doesn’t take me that much time and getting requests from other parents too. I have to say the book has changed my life-and all I did was that one list for money. I think I may try a list for a better job next and report back what happens.
Thank you for sharing your book and the lists- I am sure the book will change many more lives.

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Fate: Are we resigned to it?

Sometimes people bring up the question of fate. It goes something like ‘if we are fated to have something happen to us then what use is your book? As it won’t change my fate’. Or something like ‘a rishi (Hindu holy man) told me I would get hurt on my leg quite seriously and he was right. I was in an accident that damaged my leg badly’. Or I have a child with cystic fibrosis, what is his or her fate?
Well it is true that there is something called fate. There are some lessons we are here to learn. However the nature of the lesson can express itself in many ways. So although we are fated to learn lessons-such lessons don’t always have to come from tragedy. Let me tell you a true story that is many years old.
There was a holy man who was returning to his place of stay in the Himalayas and on the way he stopped by in a village where he was provided with food and water at a house. At this house was a boy of 16 who on seeing the holy man asked permission to accompany the saints return to the Himalayas and spend a few months to gain some knowledge.
So the boy and holy man went away to the Himalayas. A month later the holy man was explaining the science of palmistry to the young boy by looking at the boys palm and he immediately noticed something that shocked him. He told the boy to return home the next day to his family and come back a month later. The saint did not explain why buy told him it was very important he do so.

A month later the saint was shocked to see the boy approaching his cave and immediately asked the boy to tell him everything that had happened since leaving the saint a month ago. The boy explained that rains had began that day he left and he had to cross a small stream that had developed. He had noticed an ant hill near to the stream and was certain the ants would drown once the stream got bigger with the rain. So the boy explained he had ripped some cloth from his top used it to scoop the ant hill and moved the hill further away. He then scooped the remaining ants left behind and moved them to the hill. The saint stopped the boy talking.
The saint then told the boy to sit and told the boy that a month ago he had seen a great bodily injury to occur in a week written in the palm of the boy and so the saint had sent him home to his parents thinking his parents would need him. the sain had believed it was a certain event and could happen anywhere so it made no difference being at the cave or with his parents. However on hearing the story the saint realised that the boy had changed his fate by his act of kindness. Perhaps the boy had been fated to suffer an injury which would require him to work with animals and learn important lessons. However the act of kindness had negated the need for the bodily injury.

So you see the boy’s fate was written but was just as easily unwritten. So whatever anyone tells you, a palmist, psychic whoever- remember that they are only giving you information at that single moment in time. Things can change the very next minute that what they say could be out of the date by then.

So you are not resigned to your fate. Your fate is fluid and changeable every second. So you can change your life with the secret power of lists. Understand the power of peoples words and protect yourself from what others tell you is your fate. If you take on board what people tell you and start to believe it you will cause those very things to occur in your life. It is possible that the saint in my story could have told the boy his fate that day he read his palm and the boy believing it to be so- may have decided not to waste his time with the ant hill and gone straight home. So in this case the saints words could have had the effect of the boy not doing something that as we know saved him.

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Set back in product prototyping

It looks like there will be quite a few challenges with trying to get some products available via an online site. I am considering putting a hold to development of the item sales. However I will do my best to fulfil individual requests as they come (via email or otherwise)- but please understand I may not be able to provide items to everyone.
I hope everyone understands this and that I would rather offer this type of service rather than an online service where I am providing products that do not work due to the various issues I mentioned in my other blog (such things as transporting of products.

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Beauty of the Sun

As I sit here in the garden on this hot summer day I can't help but admire the beauty of the Sun. The many roses that I have planted here reach up towards the sky, the colourful birds singing many a song bathe inthe waters of the bird bath.

Wherever you are in the world take a moment to bathe in the glorious sun. As you look up into the sky know that someone else somewhere in the world is also looking up and enjoying the feeling of being alive.

Friday, 18 June 2010

Recording of seminar

I have been asked whether the seminar will be recorded for people who could not attend the seminar. Answer is no. Because there will be some practical work involved so what I say will not make sense to someone listening to a CD. So I guess this will be quite a unique event. I do hope however to release the new material that I present at the seminar either in the form of a new book or in a revised edition of The Secret Power of Lists.

Thursday, 17 June 2010

This week- prototyping products.

This week I have been doing a lot of work prototyping some products. These will be items described in The Secret Power of Lists as well as my new book ‘Mind Your Weight’. For example I mentioned the use of rose quartz crystal. Well I may be able to offer an energised crystal. Such a product is not available anywhere else, and these will be limited in supply due to the process of energising these crystals. I am currently looking at various containers to house these crystals once they have been energised. I need to ensure that the energy is not dissipated because of the container. I also need to look at the shipping processes and whether these will affect the energy of the crystal. It is quite a challenge. I should however be able to offer a collection service if the shipping is not a viable option. This will mean a lot of people may not have a chance of obtaining these crystals- but I hope they will understand why.

Two places left

I may have two places left for the seminar. I have been told from two of you that it is possible they may not be able to attend-but will confirm by mid july. If you were interested drop me an email and I will add your name to the waiting list. If the two dropout I will randomly select two names to attend.

Friday, 11 June 2010

Home Security, secret practices and cctv

Home Security, secret practices and cctv

We all live in different areas and for the most part our neighbourhoods are peaceful and calm without any troubles. But some of you are experiencing daily or weekly incidents such as smashed windows, vandalised cars and other such nuisance.
I have heard you say that it is all well and good following my book to obtain more money to move to another nicer location. But what if these incidents are causing you so much fear and anguish that you simply can not focus properly on The Secret Power of lists? Is there a list to get rid of such problems?
Well let me tell you that problems are caused by people and you can make people either not do things, or choose not to target your own neighbourhood. When in India researching my first book I did come across certain practices you can carry out, but I am reluctant to mention them due to the harm it may cause. They are extremely powerful, however done by one person they will not be that effective. If however a group of people that are having problems got together to conduct the practices then there is no doubt your problems will be eliminated. As I say these were not included in my book due to potential harm that could be effected. For example one practise causes the target persons to develop ‘blind spots’. So your car could be energised to become a blindspot and therefore avoid getting vandalised. However it is possible your target can develop a blindspot for all other similar type cars and therefore could step out in front of such a car when crossing the road.
I believed this blind spot practise was transported to china and became something that the ancient ninja incorporated in their training. It probably became a lost art when the ninja heightened senses training was able to overcome these blind spots.
If you wish to know more please email me and I may expand more in further blogs.

So what can I suggest instead?
I have some practical suggestions such as cctv security. My best advice is to purchase a dedicated cctv digital recorder along with at least two cameras. I managed to get these components for £250. Avoid the bundled kits which will probably include a not-so good recorder or inferior cameras. The ones I chose were good quality and great functionality. I spent many many hours reading and searching cctv sites
Until I was able to narrow down my choices and was able to install it all myself-which is quite good considering my skills are mediocre. If anyone would like further advice and help please let me know.

Please come forward

A friend saw the painting today that someone had sent me which I wrote about earlier in my blog. That friend knows a bit about paintings and told me it’s a coulson- and when he told me the price of it I had to quickly ring my insurance company.
Again- whoever sent that to me –let me know who you are so I can thank you personally!

Thursday, 10 June 2010

New book new blog

Just to let you all know that I am maintaining another blog for my next book release called Mind Your Weight. Should be on general release in a week or so.
See the blog here

Painting recieved!

I was sent a nice gift today from one of you. There was no name or address on the package. It was a lovely original painting with the message ‘your list on attracting money worked. Man you need to tell more people about this’.

So if that was you- thanks. I have found a nice place for the painting to hang.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

The seminar

I mentioned the private seminar in twitter and have lots of you asking what this is all about. Well I wanted to get a group of us together to go through my book (plus the new one due for release soon) and discuss further how it could be used in your life. I also wanted to try out some material that has never before been released to the public.
So I booked a five star hotel and 20 rooms for a date in September. I then randomly selected emails and have sent out invites. It is an all expenses paid trip to a nice part of the world- that means transport, meals and accommodation. So if you are lucky to get an email from me offering you this opportunity I will urge you to say yes. It should be enough advance notice to have your diary free so there should not be any reasons to say no. I am quite excited about this, not only for myself but for you all who will, I am sure, attain what you want in life.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Vibrations in another land

 I had an email today from someone now living in America, originally emigrated from India.  He had an interesting comment to make which I will summarise.  He asked why he seemed much more unhappier since leaving India even though he had much more materially than he ever had before.  He did go back often so he wasn’t feeling homesick however he says he was feeling day by day a feeling of not having enough.  Everyday he says he feels he needs to get more of everything.  He said he was sent a copy of my book and decided to ask me what was wrong.
My thoughts are that he was in a different land where the vibrational frequencies around him were totally different to those in India.  Some are more sensitive to frequencies and have a high receptability to transmitability ratio.  He was receiving these frequencies and resonating to them and thus were creating certain feelings within him.  So how could he and anyone else in usa be helped?  I suggested a list for general use that would get him grounded again and better able to deflect unhelpful frequencies.
I suggested changes to his home environment that would filter out unhelpful frequencies and allow his body to rejuvenate and uplift itself.  This would over the course of a few month change his life. 
So I would say the same for anyone else.  Make some changes to your home environment and put into practise a particular list from my book.  Whichever it is, the sound vibrations you create will fill your body and your home and help overcome those vibrations that are not helpful.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

New title for release soon

I have been busy putting the finishing touch on my new book Mind your Weight. I will be posting more news soon including the work that has gone into a special CD to accompany the book.

Saturday, 8 May 2010

UK Election

I have had many emails from people worried about what changes will occur now the election is over. People are worried about their jobs, and the ability to live stress free. I say to them that change happens all the time and it is nothing to fear. Trust in yourself to find a way through every twist and turn that life brings you. That trust begins with trusting the Power of the Lists to help you in your life journey. I am putting together a few roadshows for later this year. They will be free so I urge everyone to book a free place before they run out. Details will be posted nearer the time.

Friday, 19 February 2010

Wise words

Have you a favourite 'wise words' to share?  Something passed down from a friend or relative that you have never forgotten and has helped you at certain times in your life?

My favorite among many has been 'worry about today and worry about tomorrow tomorrow'.

Friday, 12 February 2010

The Power of the Mind

What the mind can conceive it can achieve.   I am constantly reminding people that all changes begin within the mind.  Take for example weight problems.  Many will tell me that the problem with weight is down to being lazy.  But why do these people suggest that the lazyness is down to a choice?  People choose to be lazy right?  Wrong-for a lot of people they are doing everything they can to stay active and yet they keep coming across so many hurdles.  The problem is that the mind is not in motion to achieve the weight loss goals required.

You can read more in the release of my next book in the latter half of 2010.

But right now my first book has just been released and is available to order at

Friday, 5 February 2010

New book progress

Just been working on some more notes for the next book.  I've already sent out some chapter drafts to people over the world to get them to start trying out the lists.  I will then be able to refine the lists and report back on success stories.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010


I have now installed the twitter gadget to display tweets here.  Wondering whether I should just tweet as I do and then update this blog on a less frequent basis.  I will seek advice.

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

The start

This is the first blog relating to my book 'The Secret Power of Lists'.  I hope to share some thoughts and idea's and feedback on how people have been using the lists and update on success stories.

I have already started on my next book.  More details will follow in due course.