Thursday, 12 May 2011

Lottery Strategy and Using Vedic Mathematics

I recently came across some notes I had made on my visit to India when doing some research on my book. My notes relate to one particular individual living in Jaipur who was extremely well read. He could not only read Sanskrit, but at least five other languages. My reason to speak to him related to my book research, and in our conversation he had told me that he was able to consistently win the lottery at least every month. Now I did not know what to make of this considering he lived in modest surroundings in a small village. However I later spoke to other people in the village who spoke highly of him. In particular I learnt he frequently gave away money to people in need. He had financed the building of three wells, a school, and had purchased a lot of land, built homes and then rented out at extremely cheap rates.

So I went back to the man wanting to know more about his lottery winning. He explained to me that five years ago he had started to delve into the world of vedic science and vedic mathematics. He told me there were some ancient vedic texts directly related to gambling strategys as there were various gambling games popular in ancient times (Hindu's will recall the story in the Mahabharat where Yudistra loses in a game using dice). The man then described his attempts to apply this knowledge to the lottery and over the course of a few months made visits to the city to buy tickets based on his vedic strategy. A few trial and errors, he started to win more often than he lost. The winnings he told me were not huge but after a few months of winning the small amounts, he built up to a sizeable figure. He was able to show me a metal cupboard full of papers which amounted to his research. I asked if he was worried someone might steal his notes to make a profit. He laughed and said no-one but him would be able to understand his notes. So I asked him how did it all work. He told it was complicated to explain it to someone, which was why he was not able to pass it on to anyone else in the village. He said he could go through his notes but he would have to sift through many many pages of disorganised notes. All he knew was that he had the knowledge in his head and sometimes he would need to go back to his notes as a reminder of some aspects, after which he would decide on the numbers to be played. Well to me it was a nice story but without being able to verify what he told me myself then it would remain that way.
A few months later I received a letter from this man with a few pages of handwritten notes. In his letter he told me he had tried to transcribe some of his notes in order to create a kind of instruction manual on beating the lottery odds. He told me to read his notes and to follow the procedures as described, and play the lottery on a regular basis. His notes were to me quite complicated and I am not a very numerate person and so his notes were left in one of my files and forgotten about. Well having recently come across the notes again I have decided to give them a try- however there are some mathematical aspects I may need some help with, so it may be a few weeks before I can play my first set of numbers.
I may ask all readers of this blog to help and we can then test this vedic mathematics system of winning the lottery.

Perhaps we can all share in this good fortune?!

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Struggles of Life and renewing your interest in life.

A week ago I was approached by someone who has been struggling with a lot of things since he was young age. Now at age 40 he felt he did not have much hope for the future and that his life had essentially come to a dead end. He works at a job he does not love and comes home to an empty house, prepares a meal or orders a takeaway and sits in front of the tv until it is time for bed. Although he did not feel depressed and did enjoy one or two things in life, he still felt in essence that his life was at a stop and he was often asking himself 'is there nothing more?'.

My answer to him was that there is always something more. That question, that seeking to know more was the essence of his life and is the essence of every life. There is something inside us which wishes to grow and expand and know more and when there is no opportunity to do so, or one simply does not know how to know more then life can feel it is at a stop.
I asked him if there was anything he felt he always wanted to do or know more about but never felt it was something that would be worth pursuing or even possible (in his mind) of pursing. Initially he replied no but then a few moments later as he thought some more about it, he mentioned almost with a shyness that he had always wanted to know more about making wine. Although he had never been a keen gardener he was interested in knowing more about grapes and how many different types there must be to create wine. As he spoke I could see his previously dull eyes light up. I suggested he visit his local library and take some books out on wine making and grapes and just spend some time reading them on his evenings.

Yesterday I listened to him speak to me on the phone about having read over 10 books on wine and wine making. He told me his mind was bursting with ideas on making wine at home, as well as growing grapes in a greenhouse. He told me it renewed his joy at work as he was now speaking to more work colleagues about his new interest and subsequently engaging a lot more people than he had been before. He went on to tell me that for the first time in his life he felt he had 'things to do' and he even started to think of going abroad to visit wine farms.

I relate this story because a great many people are and have been through many struggles in life which have crippled them to an existence similar to the person above. It is difficult to restart your interest in life in such cases but all it takes is a simple spark to ignite you.
Let me relate to you another true story about a homeless man living in America who had lost all hope and was living an unhappy existence. One day he happened to see a piece of writing paper fly in the wind and land near to him. Taking that writing paper he began to write and that little spark ignited in him a great need to write some more. That man went on to complete a book and this writing process invigorated him that he was able to touch many other lives. He eventually built is life back together and published his book. One piece of writing paper was all it took. So I ask everyone struggling in life to find your spark and you will find your life.

Sunday, 1 May 2011


I have been busy the past few weeks with preparing for a conference I have been invited to speak at.  The Spiritual Empowerment conference is being held in Thailand for a week and thereafter in Ohio, USA for two weeks.  If anyone will be attending then I will be happy to meet with you and speak as I will be staying the full weeks at those location although I will be only talking two times during the week.
Plans for the free on-line consultations will be delayed as I try and attend more meetings for a new collaborative book that is hoped for release in June.  I an quite excited about this project and if you do wish to be kept informed about this new title please sign up to the newsletter below.

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