Friday, 19 February 2010

Wise words

Have you a favourite 'wise words' to share?  Something passed down from a friend or relative that you have never forgotten and has helped you at certain times in your life?

My favorite among many has been 'worry about today and worry about tomorrow tomorrow'.

Friday, 12 February 2010

The Power of the Mind

What the mind can conceive it can achieve.   I am constantly reminding people that all changes begin within the mind.  Take for example weight problems.  Many will tell me that the problem with weight is down to being lazy.  But why do these people suggest that the lazyness is down to a choice?  People choose to be lazy right?  Wrong-for a lot of people they are doing everything they can to stay active and yet they keep coming across so many hurdles.  The problem is that the mind is not in motion to achieve the weight loss goals required.

You can read more in the release of my next book in the latter half of 2010.

But right now my first book has just been released and is available to order at

Friday, 5 February 2010

New book progress

Just been working on some more notes for the next book.  I've already sent out some chapter drafts to people over the world to get them to start trying out the lists.  I will then be able to refine the lists and report back on success stories.